Il risveglio di Isabella — La bellezza non può dormire per sempre.

“Il risveglio di Isabella— the translated version of “Waking Isabella” by Melissa Muldoon

Il Risveglio di Isabella è una storia che invita a riscoprire quelle bellezze nascoste, andate perdute o distrutte col passare del tempo. Intreccia inoltre diverse storie d’amore con un tocco di mistero. Nora, assistente ricercatrice, diventa il catalizzatore per svelare il segreto di un dipinto creduto perso da decenni. Ambientata ad Arezzo, in Toscana, la trama si svolge sullo sfondo della fiera antiquaria della città, tra le fanfare e lo sfarzo della Giostra del Saracino, il festival medievale. Durante le riprese di un documentario su Isabella de’ Medici, principessa del Rinascimento assassinata dal marito, Nora scopre le vite di due donne straordinarie del passato. Approfondendo le storie di Isabella, figlia di un duca toscano del XVI secolo, e di Margherita, una giovane che lotta per sopravvivere durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale nell’Italia occupata dai nazisti, Nora inizia a mettere in discussione le scelte che hanno segnato la sua vita. In questo processo, risveglia la bellezza nascosta dentro di sé, riaccendendo la sua creatività e felicità. È una storia di amore e inganno, falsi e capolavori, avvolta dal fascino e dagli intrighi di un enigmatico fantasma toscano.

Waking Isabella is a story about uncovering hidden beauty that, over time, has been lost, erased, or suppressed. It also weaves together several love stories as well as a few mysteries. Nora, an assistant researcher, is a catalyst for resolving the puzzle of a painting that has been missing for decades. Set in Arezzo, a small Tuscan town, the plot unfolds against the backdrop of the city’s antique trade and the fanfare and pageantry of its medieval jousting festival. While filming a documentary about Isabella de’ Medici—the Renaissance princess who was murdered by her husband—Nora begins to connect with the lives of two remarkable women from the past. Unraveling the stories of Isabella, the daughter of a fifteenth-century Tuscan duke, and Margherita, a young girl trying to survive the war in Nazi-occupied Italy, Nora begins to question the choices that have shaped her own life up to this point. As she does, hidden beauty is awakened deep inside of her, and she discovers the keys to her creativity and happiness. It is a story of love and deceit, forgeries and masterpieces—all held together by the allure and intrigue of a beautiful Tuscan ghost.

A night to remember – the evening Isabella was awakened in Arezzo!
In 2019, I presented my novel “Il risveglio di Isabella,” the Italian translation of “Waking Isabella,” to an assembly of townspeople in the historic home of Ivan Bruschi in Arezzo. The evening featured Italian readings and a lively public discussion, followed by a champagne reception on the rooftop, offering stunning views of Piazza Grande, the novel’s setting. This unforgettable event celebrated literature and local history with the community of Arezzo.

Dianne Hales, author of La Bella Lingua — “A Latter-day Renaissance woman, Melissa Muldoon blends fact and fantasy, history and art, English and Italian in this richly woven tapestry. Waking Isabella, carries us from 16th-century Italy to modern-day Arezzo, from palace plots to wartime intrigues. It is a perfect read for Italophiles, art lovers, and armchair romantics. Brava!”

Martha Bakerjian, Italy travel expert at “Martha’s” and “” — “Waking Isabella is the kind of historical fiction I love – the main story takes place in the present but within the plot are flashbacks of stories taking place in the Renaissance and during World War II. Even though the book is fiction (but based on true events), I learned something about art history, the Renaissance princess Isabella, and the jousting tournament, Arezzo’s most important festival. If you’ve never been to Arezzo, you’ll probably want to go after you read this book. Recommended reading for anyone who wants to take an armchair journey to Tuscany or looking for new places to explore on their next trip.”

Sheri Hoyte, for Reader Views — Muldoon magically weaves together the lives of Nora, Isabella and Margherita, spanning the course of many centuries, into a story that will mesmerize and haunt readers long after the last page is read. The author has such a unique voice you can feel her personality in every sentence. She delivers historical references and tells of lasting traditions that drive you to want to learn more, and exhibits a contemporary voice through her protagonists, all the while weaving bits of Italian into the dialogue. It’s apparent “Waking Isabella” required extensive research, though it certainly feels like a labor of love. Muldoon’s passion for Italy is evident.”

Radio Interview: Waking Isabella with Sheri Hoyt of Reader views

You can find the interview on also clicking this direct link

All in all, I would say “Waking Isabella”
by Melissa Muldoon is a must-read
for all fans of Italy, history, romance
and intrigue. Eccellente!

Laura Fabiani Review — Italy Book Tours: “Waking Isabella” is a tale of reawakening one’s true potential and joy in life found in the beauty of art and strong women who have shaped the past. Renaissance princess Isabella de’ Medici steals the limelight as her influence transforms lives even across centuries. A beautiful story filled with intrigue, mystery, art, and redemption, Melissa Muldoon succeeds in transporting the reader to Tuscany with all its cultural festivities, history and people. A treat for lovers of historical fiction, the beauty of art, and the challenge of starting a new life and rediscovering love.

Layers and layers of
exquisite entertainment!

Waking Isabella – The setting is Arezzo and the Joust

The story is woven together by the captivating figure of Isabella de’ Medici, her enigmatic spirit, and her missing painting, all intertwined with the legend of her ghost. This narrative unfolds against the vibrant backdrop of Arezzo and its colorful medieval Jousting Tournament.